Friday, November 13, 2009

Appraisal Team Requirements for SCAMPI Class A

Appraisal Team Requirements

According to SEI issued SCAMPI MDD V1.2. following are the standard requirements of an Appriasial Team for SEI's recognized SCAMPI Class A appraisal.

Appraisal Team Size:
The minimum acceptable team size for a SCAMPI appraisal is four people (including the team leader). The maximum recommended team size is nine.

Appraisal Team Qualification:
All team members (ATMs) must have previously completed the SEI-licensed Introduction to CMMI course, delivered by an instructor who is authorized by the SEI.

Appraisal Team Experience Restrictions:
With regard to engineering field experience, the team (as a group) must have an average of at least 6 years of experience, and the team total must be at least 25 years of experience, in each of the disciplines to be covered in the appraisal.

With regard to management experience, the team (as a group) must have a total of at least 10 years of experience, and at least one team member (ATM) must have at least 6 years of experience as a manager.

Other Restrictions:
The team must, in aggregate, have representative experience in the lifecycles being appraised.

Team members should not be managers of one of the selected projects or be within the direct supervisory chain of any of the anticipated interviewees.

Good to have:
Although not required in the Parameters and Limits section above, the following are considered recommended best practices and should be employed whenever feasible:
  • Each member should have good written and oral communication skills, the ability to facilitate the free flow of communication, and the ability to perform as team players and negotiate consensus.
  • At least half of the team members should have participated in a previous process appraisal.
  • Team members should be perceived by the appraisal sponsor as credible.
Additional appraisal team member selection considerations include

  • Consider the personal characteristics of individual team members (e.g., communication preferences and personality types) and how these characteristics may affect the dynamics of the team.
  • Use one or more authorized SCAMPI Lead Appraisers as team members.